Nursery Help

Thank you to all who have faithfully been serving in the nursery! As our nursery grows, we are inviting new people to join our family ministry team! Come hold babies during our 9 am Sunday service. You are only expected to serve one Sunday a month, but are welcome to serve more if you would like to! You will be serving with another adult or student over 14 years old as your partner. So, don’t worry you won’t be left alone!

Also, the nursery team is looking for subs who can fill in when a nursery worker is out and persons willing to be on a standby nursery list for the 10:30 am hour, one Sunday each month, in case we have a nursery need that hour. Contact Pastor Jeremy with any questions at [email protected]. Sign up below!

A background check must be passed to serve with any of children in our care.

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Event Child Care

In order to allow parents with young children to attend Bible studies and events at Mount Auburn Church we offer childcare for their children during the event. We need loving adults and students over 14 years of age to babysit children up to age 10.

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Come help the Mount Auburn family support students with food anxieties by supplying them with weekend food at both Isom and Northeast Elementaries in Greenwood Schools!

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