Leadership Council

The Leadership Council, of which the Senior Pastor is a member, seeks to discern and articulate God’s specific vision and strategic direction for Mount Auburn.  The Council creates administrative policies – especially financial, facilities, and employee policies – to keep the church focused on and faithful to the vision.  Working through the Senior Pastor, the Leadership Council provides general oversight of the church staff who manage the ministries of the church through hundreds of volunteers exercising their God-given spiritual and natural gifts. Below are the minutes from our most recent Leadership Council meetings.

Leadership Council Minutes- May 20, 2024

Leadership Council Minutes


Members Present: Mike Alexa, Rick Allison, Anne Atzinger, Denny Blessing, Kathy Heistand, Phil Howard, Jack Mc Mahon, John Thompson, Melissa Truelove, Jeff Wright

1. Jeff Wright opened the meeting with prayer.

2. Attendance Report—Melissa Truelove

· Stones Crossing Campus

a. April Avg. Worship Attendance 242 (9am 179, 10:30am 63)

b. Year-to-date Avg. Worship Attendance 236 (9am 176, 10:30am 54)

c. April Avg. Facebook Attendance 43, Year-to-date Average 55

d. April Sunday School/Life Group Avg. Attendance173 (18 children, 5 youth)

e. Year-to-date Sunday School/Life Group Avg. Attendance 172 (22 children, 5 youth)

· Trafalgar Campus

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Leadership Council Minutes- April 22, 2024

Leadership Council Minutes


Members Present: Rick Allison, Anne Atzinger, Denny Blessing, Jeff Buck, Kathy Heistand, Jack Mc Mahon, Audrey Miller, Kim Peters, John Thompson, Melissa Truelove, Jeff Wright

1. Jeff Buck opened the meeting with prayer and the council members discussed the Culture Statement.

2. Attendance Report–March

· Stones Crossing—Average Attendance for March is 263 (9am 192, 10:30am 63), FB 55, Sunday School/Life Group 160 (children 26, youth 4)

· Stones Crossing –Average Attendance year-to-date is 235 (9am 176, 10:30am 52), FB 57, Sunday School/Life 173 (children 22, youth 5)

· Trafalgar—Average Attendance for March is 46

· Trafalgar—Average Attendance year-to-date is 39

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Leadership Council Minutes- March 25, 2024

Leadership Council Minutes


Members Present: Mike Alexa, Rick Allison, Anne Atzinger, Jeff Buck, Kathy Heistand, Kim Peters, John Thompson, Melissa Truelove

1. John Thompson opened the meeting with prayer and led the meeting in the absence of Denny Blessing.

2. Attendance—February Averages

· The average worship attendance for Stones Crossing is 233 (9am 177, 10:30am 56), Facebook 54, Trafalgar 34.

· Sunday School/Life Group attendance is 182 (20 children, 4 youth).

· During February we had 12 first time visitors and 2 second time visitors.

3. Pastor’s Report

· Pastor Jeff presented our 5-Year Vision Goals developed with leadership and our consultant, Mark Meyer.

1. 500 Weekly Engagement in Worship

2. 150 Kids and Youth

3. Our Church Leadership will be diverse and mirror our community.

4. We will be a one location, one service style church clear on our unique identity.

5. We will be the “First Call” for community care and resources as we establish strong community partnerships.

· Pastor Jeff announced that for the summer months (June, July, and August) will be going to one worship service only at 9:30am, followed by life groups (some life groups might choose to meet before the service) and Sunday School. We will review in July.

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Leadership Council Minutes- February 26, 2024

Leadership Council Minutes


Members Present: Mike Alexa, Rick Allison, Anne Atzinger, Denny Blessing, Phil Brewer, Jeff Buck, Kathy Heistand, Phil Howard, Audrey Miller, Kim Peters, John Thompson, Melissa Truelove, Jeff Wright

1. Rick Allison opened the meeting with prayer.

2. Pastor Report

· The Lent season, Lenten Encounters, and dinners have been a success and are well attended. The congregation wants to invite friends and one new couple has already brought friends.

· The Solar Eclipse viewing will limited to Daycare and Scouts only. Carolyn Patterson is teaching a lesson before the viewing and coordinating with the Scouts and Daycare.

· The 3 consultation goals are going well. All staff and lay leadership job descriptions have been completed by John Thompson. Communication is being worked on and the main focus is inviting others to key services.

· The February average worship attendance for Stones Crossing is 233 (177 at 9am, 57 at 10:30am). The children are no longer being counted with worship at 10:30am so the numbers and averages will reflect this. The average attendance at Trafalgar is 34.

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Leadership Council Minutes- January 22, 2024

Leadership Council Minutes
Members Present: Mike Alexa, Rick Allison, Denny Blessing, Kathy Heistand, Phil Howard, Kim Peters, John Thompson, Melissa Truelove, Jeff Wright
1. Denny Blessing opened the meeting with prayer.
2. Pastor’s Report (given by Denny Blessing in absence of Pastor Jeff)
• Denny Blessing introduced the new Leadership Council Members (Kim Peters and Denny Blessing).
• The Lay Leadership Movement is in process. The council is encouraged to attend the Leadership Training Meeting on January 27 at 9am.
• Discussion is underway regarding the plan for Scouts and Daycare for the Eclipse in April. Safety is a priority so more information is to come in next month’s meeting.
• MAMM will be suspended on February 1 unless leadership steps up to lead this ministry. Larry and La Theda Noonan will be honored in the January 28th worship service.

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Leadership Council Minutes- November 27, 2023

Leadership Council Meeting


Members Present: Mike Alexa, Rick Allison, Anne Atzinger, Denny Blessing, Valerie Blessing, Phil Brewer, Jeff Buck, Kathy Heistand, Phil Howard, Audrey Miller, Kim Peters, John Thompson, Melissa Truelove, Jeff Wright, Mike Womack

1. Mike Womack opened the meeting with prayer.

2. Pastor’s Report

a. Stones Crossing

· October average attendance: 216 in worship (153-9am, 63-10:30am), FB Live 46, 158 in Life Groups/Sunday School (17 children, 7 youth).

· 4 first time visitors, 2 second time visitors in October.

· Pastor Jeff gives thanks for the Mizo Church, Trinity Hall updates, new guests, and Youth Alpha.

· Update on the 3 goals set by the Consultation: Our marketing and communication is continuing, the database search is narrowed to two databases, staff job descriptions are complete and lay leadership job descriptions continue to be worked on.

· 2024 Goals: Develop and Advent Charge with an invitation atmosphere, develop lay leadership and how they relate to staff, evaluate the church building, and bring in an architect to address security, a sanctuary, and church layout.

· January 27, 2024 will be a Leadership Retreat and new leaders will be trained.

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