Spring Food Drive
1 in 8 Indiana residents don’t know when their next meal will be and many students have food anxieties. Please donate to help stock up the Lord’s Locker and the Mount Auburn Church Food Pantry.
Jeremy Van Deman,
Director of Children, Youth,
& Family Ministries
Kerrian Chapella,
Business Director of Daycare
Children’s Ministry
John Kennedy,
Sound Technician
1 in 8 Indiana residents don’t know when their next meal will be and many students have food anxieties. Please donate to help stock up the Lord’s Locker and the Mount Auburn Church Food Pantry.
*YOUTH ONLY* Join us February 14-16 as we retreat to Shepherd Community Center in Indianapolis. The retreat will include teaching and worship sessions, a special service project, duck pin bowling, plus much more! Don’t miss out, sign up today.
Come and enjoy a meal and fellowship with others who are involved in our various areas of family ministry. The meal will be followed by youth council, children’s council, and young adult groups break off sessions that will include brief trainings, sharing of announcements, feedback opportunities, and fellowship time. Childcare will be offered during the meeting portion of the evening. Sign up today!