God has, since the beginning of creation, invited His people to participate in covenant relationship with Him (Genesis 17:7). When we come together at God’s invitation to listen to Him and respond to Him in holy conversation, we call it worship. Below are some of the ways to participate in our worship ministries. We invite you to carefully and prayerfully consider how much you might participate in the worship of Mount Auburn! 9:00am Traditional Worship | Music Ministry Opportunities CHANCEL CHOIR The Chancel Choir is open to adult and youth men and women. The Chancel Choirs sings on Sundays from September through May at the 9:00am Traditional Worship service. This choir provides a valuable service to our worship as it sets the tone for congregational singing, supports the worship emphasis of the day with the presentation of anthems in a variety of musical styles, and generally enhances the worship experience with a fragrant offering of music to God. Choir Rehearsal: Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30pm, Choir Room (Room 121). Child care is available upon request. HANDBELL CHOIR The Handbell Choir is a vehicle for using our bodies and our love of music to ring praises and prayers to God. This intermediate-level choir is open to adults, youth, and older children who have, or are willing to develop, the ability to ring capable and cooperatively on this beautiful instrument of handbells. The Handbell Choir rings on a regular basis during the church year. Solo and ensemble offerings are past of ministry. Choir Rehearsal: Wednesday evenings, 6:00-7:00pm, The Courts (main sanctuary). ORCHESTRA The Mount Auburn Orchestra is a church orchestra. If you have an instrument you want to play, there is a place for you to play it. The orchestra, open to youth and adults, plays in worship once a month and rehearses as needed to prepare for those times. Instrumentalists are asked to support the choir ministry on occasion, and soloists and ensembles are always welcome in our worship. Currently, our instrumentalists participate in the cantata orchestra for the annual Christmas Cantata. WORSHIP ARTS Worship Arts encompasses music, worship design, visual arts across numerous disciplines, worship environment, Scripture presentation, and other elements that enrich our worship by inviting persons to encounter God through all the senses God has given to us. Adults, youth, and children are invited to offer their gifts and interest in the arts (broadly or specifically) to the enrichment of the congregation’s worship and faith journey. 10:30am Contemporary Worship | Music Ministry Opportunities PRAISE BAND Our Contemporary Worship, led by our Praise Team, includes a wide variety of Christian contemporary praise and worship songs, many of which are currently used in the Contemporary Christian Music genre. This service is more casual than our traditional service. Music & Worship InquiryPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Name * FirstLast Email *Subject *Comment or Message * Submit