Leadership Council Minutes- May 23, 2023

Leadership Council Minutes


Members Present: Mike Alexa, Rick Allison, Anne Atzinger, Phil Brewer, Jeff Buck, Kathy Heistand, Phil Howard, Audrey Miller, Melissa Truelove, Mark Weatherman, Jeff Wright, Mike Womack

Special Guest: Chris Pittman

  1. Mike Womack opened the meeting with prayer.
  2. Sewer Issue Update

· Chris Pittman explained the 3 options for fixing the sewer issue and explained the benefits of tying back into the Greenwood Sewer.

· Chris Pittman will follow up with Greenwood and obtain additional quotes for the options presented.

  1. The Annual Report to the Charge Conference Requirements

· Mike Womack presented a document with the requirements for reporting to the GMC.

· Most of the requirements have already been gathered in the past so reporting timely should not be a problem.

  1. Report from the Trafalgar Leadership Team

· The Trafalgar Leadership Team (TLC) met for a town hall meeting to vote on how to move forward with their relationship with Mount Auburn.

· By the end of 2023 the goal is for the Trafalgar Campus to be self-supported and to function independently. Some ideas for reaching this goal are to have a Stewardship Campaign, outreach to the community to grow attendance, regular attenders committing to the 30×30 challenge (30 regular attenders giving $30 a week) and open the church to community usage.

· Trafalgar would follow Mt. Auburn’s policies but would operate their own Leadership Council and send reports to Mt. Auburn’s Leadership Council.

· Mike Womack recommended a monthly written progress report to the Leadership Council with details of the plan.

  1. Pastor’s Report—Worship Service Evaluation

· Once the 3 goals (IT, Staff/Leadership Development, and Communication) set by the consultation process have been met, the next 90 days will be dedicated to improving worship. We have a quote of $10,000 to upgrade our sound system which will be funded by a congregation member.

· The mentality of worshipping in The Courts is that this is a temporary space and worship is temporary.

· Pastor Jeff proposes evaluating worship, space, sound, and service times (so families can worship together). The focus will not be on music as this is a preference.

· Once a permanent space is established and we get worship right, we need to grow.

· The goal is to have family-oriented worship where everyone can worship together.

· Concern was raised about the flow during services and the awkwardness of transitions.

  1. West Wall Repair Update

· November and December were spent trying to get insurance approval, and finally in January our insurance company became involved.

· The contractor we planned to work with gave us a detailed quote, but then stopped communicating. We began the process of getting an additional quote, but we are still awaiting communication from that contractor.

· Phil Howard provided the name of another contractor and will follow up to get a quote.

  1. Financial Reports

· The Stones Crossing Campus had a net profit of $9,983 for April and a net profit of $17,000 year-to-date.

· The Trafalgar Campus had a deficit of $(878) for April and a deficit of $(4,944) year-to-date. Trafalgar’s bank account balance continues to decline.

· The Daycare had a net profit of $2,900 for April and a net profit of $23,414 year-to-date.

· The Daycare Grant money remains at $167,000 and needs to be used.

  1. Pastor Jeff closed the meeting in prayer.