Leadership Council Minutes
Members Present: Mike Alexa, Rick Allison, Anne Atzinger, Valerie Blessing, Phil Brewer, Jeff
Buck, Kathy Heistand, Phil Howard, Audrey Miller, Mark Rich, John Thompson, Melissa
Truelove, Mark Weatherman, Mike Womack, Jeff Wright
- Pastor Jeff opened the meeting with prayer.
- Pastor Report
• Pastor Jeff thanked the Leadership Council for all the work that has been done in
2022, including the disaffiliation process.
• We are now officially a member of the Global Methodist Church.
• Pastor Jeff welcomed Mike Alexa (new trustee chair) and Audrey Miller (vicechair) to the 2023 Leadership Council. Mike Womack will take over as the
Leadership Council Chair.
• Pastor Jeff thanked Mark Rich for his leadership over the last year. - October Finance Update
• The Stones Crossing Campus ended October with a net profit of $18,022 and a
year-to-date deficit of $(26,243).
• The Trafalgar Campus ended October with a net profit of $346 and a year-todate deficit of $(23,045).
• The Daycare ended October with a net profit of $11,083 and a year-to-date net
profit of $31,320. - November Finance Update (After disaffiliation costs were paid)
• The November bank accounts have not yet been reconciled so the numbers are
not final.
• The Stones Crossing Campus had a deficit of $(27,834) for the month and the
bank account balances went from $613,997 to $291,018 after the disaffiliation
cost was paid.
• The Trafalgar Campus had a deficit of $(2,600) for the month and their bank
account was not used for disaffiliation costs and remains at $46,944.
• The Daycare had a net profit of $8,054 for the month and the bank account
balances went from $370,050 to $135,133 after the disaffiliation cost was paid. - 2023 Budget
• 100 units have pledged for 2023 for a total of $630,160.
• Using a multiplier of 1.45, that gives us a projection of $913,732.
• The $29,000 in mission contingencies and the Trustee M&R line items were
removed from the proposed 2023 budget to help with the deficit, but this has
not yet been voted on.
• The Mission Team desires to have a Benevolence Fund that would include the
local family assistance. Clear guidelines on making decisions need to be
determined as well as who will be responsible for making the decisions.
• Staff salaries remain flat.
• Jeff Wright will email the 2023 proposed budget to the Leadership Council for
review and the final version will be voted on in January.
• The process of applying for a line of credit has begun. - UMC Disaffiliation Actions
• All actions are complete, but we are awaiting the quick claim deed that will be
issued from the UMC. - Title Insurance for Church Property
• Our attorney recommends purchasing title insurance to defend against any
future claims.
• Mike Womack made a motion to purchase title insurance in the amount of
$10 million for the property with a one-time cost not to exceed $10,000. Kathy
Heistand seconded the motion which was passed unanimously. - Employee Handbook Content for Insurance
• Our insurance agent recommends including a statement about our beliefs on
marriage and sexuality in our employee handbook.
• The GMC by laws will be included in the employee handbook and all employees
must sign and accept the policies. - Borrowing Resolution
• In order to change the church name on the Trafalgar loan, the Borrowing
Resolution must be completed.
• Jeff Wright made a motion to assign Philip Brewer and Rick Allison as authorized
signers for the Borrowing Resolution (Incorporated Church). John Thompson
seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
• Jeff Buck made a motion to authorize Jeff Wright to change the name on any
necessary accounts to come in line with our current legal name. Valerie Blessing
seconded the motion which passed unanimously. - Daycare Grant #2
• $138,900 of Grant #2 has already been used. This includes the playground
expenses, 25% for salaries and bonuses, and some other small items.
• Anne Atzinger presented a list of potential projects that Beth Carter is interested
in pursuing totaling $118,000.
• Anne Atzinger made a motion to approve the $118,00 in potential projects to be
funded with Grant #2. John Thompson seconded the motion which was
unanimously approved.
The Leadership Council reconvened as SPRC.