Leadership Council Minutes
Members Present: Mike Alexa, Rick Allison, Anne Atzinger, Valerie Blessing, Phil Brewer, Jeff
Buck, Kathy Heistand, Phil Howard, Audrey Miller, Mark Rich, John Thompson, Melissa
Truelove, Mark Weatherman, Mike Womack, Jeff Wright

  1. Pastor Jeff opened the meeting with prayer.
  2. Pastor Report
    • Pastor Jeff thanked the Leadership Council for all the work that has been done in
    2022, including the disaffiliation process.
    • We are now officially a member of the Global Methodist Church.
    • Pastor Jeff welcomed Mike Alexa (new trustee chair) and Audrey Miller (vicechair) to the 2023 Leadership Council. Mike Womack will take over as the
    Leadership Council Chair.
    • Pastor Jeff thanked Mark Rich for his leadership over the last year.
  3. October Finance Update
    • The Stones Crossing Campus ended October with a net profit of $18,022 and a
    year-to-date deficit of $(26,243).
    • The Trafalgar Campus ended October with a net profit of $346 and a year-todate deficit of $(23,045).
    • The Daycare ended October with a net profit of $11,083 and a year-to-date net
    profit of $31,320.
  4. November Finance Update (After disaffiliation costs were paid)
    • The November bank accounts have not yet been reconciled so the numbers are
    not final.
    • The Stones Crossing Campus had a deficit of $(27,834) for the month and the
    bank account balances went from $613,997 to $291,018 after the disaffiliation
    cost was paid.
    • The Trafalgar Campus had a deficit of $(2,600) for the month and their bank
    account was not used for disaffiliation costs and remains at $46,944.
    • The Daycare had a net profit of $8,054 for the month and the bank account
    balances went from $370,050 to $135,133 after the disaffiliation cost was paid.
  5. 2023 Budget
    • 100 units have pledged for 2023 for a total of $630,160.
    • Using a multiplier of 1.45, that gives us a projection of $913,732.
    • The $29,000 in mission contingencies and the Trustee M&R line items were
    removed from the proposed 2023 budget to help with the deficit, but this has
    not yet been voted on.
    • The Mission Team desires to have a Benevolence Fund that would include the
    local family assistance. Clear guidelines on making decisions need to be
    determined as well as who will be responsible for making the decisions.
    • Staff salaries remain flat.
    • Jeff Wright will email the 2023 proposed budget to the Leadership Council for
    review and the final version will be voted on in January.
    • The process of applying for a line of credit has begun.
  6. UMC Disaffiliation Actions
    • All actions are complete, but we are awaiting the quick claim deed that will be
    issued from the UMC.
  7. Title Insurance for Church Property
    • Our attorney recommends purchasing title insurance to defend against any
    future claims.
    • Mike Womack made a motion to purchase title insurance in the amount of
    $10 million for the property with a one-time cost not to exceed $10,000. Kathy
    Heistand seconded the motion which was passed unanimously.
  8. Employee Handbook Content for Insurance
    • Our insurance agent recommends including a statement about our beliefs on
    marriage and sexuality in our employee handbook.
    • The GMC by laws will be included in the employee handbook and all employees
    must sign and accept the policies.
  9. Borrowing Resolution
    • In order to change the church name on the Trafalgar loan, the Borrowing
    Resolution must be completed.
    • Jeff Wright made a motion to assign Philip Brewer and Rick Allison as authorized
    signers for the Borrowing Resolution (Incorporated Church). John Thompson
    seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
    • Jeff Buck made a motion to authorize Jeff Wright to change the name on any
    necessary accounts to come in line with our current legal name. Valerie Blessing
    seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
  10. Daycare Grant #2
    • $138,900 of Grant #2 has already been used. This includes the playground
    expenses, 25% for salaries and bonuses, and some other small items.
    • Anne Atzinger presented a list of potential projects that Beth Carter is interested
    in pursuing totaling $118,000.
    • Anne Atzinger made a motion to approve the $118,00 in potential projects to be
    funded with Grant #2. John Thompson seconded the motion which was
    unanimously approved.
    The Leadership Council reconvened as SPRC.